Guess who’s back?
The band’s success on the contest stage has definitely continued into 2023, as we took to the stage under the baton of the inimitable Professor David King, at the Yorkshire Regional Championships on the 5th of March. Our performance was one of stature and gave the adjudicators much food for thought, worthy in their minds of 2nd place and qualification to the 2023 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall in October. We’re back!
We haven’t stopped since then! We are currently part way through an incredibly busy Spring concert season, which has already seen us travel almost 1000 miles all over the country! We don’t plan on stopping yet either, with plenty more in the diary yet to come.
B&R are also thrilled to welcome a couple of guest players to our ranks, as Bastien Gaillard joins us for several months in the cornet section, and Katie Thomas joins our percussion section until she returns home to Australia. These two players are absolutely world class, and if you want to catch them in action, make sure you come to see us at an event soon!
There will be more exciting news to share very soon, so watch this space…